What if growth is about trajectory and not about your present position in life? Growth as a direction and not a destination. What if that is the path to authentic happiness?
Our guest, Topaz Navarro, is a US Army veteran, mental health advocate, mental fitness coach, and father. His military career spans twenty-five years, twenty years in the Special Operations community with several operational deployments to the Middle East and Africa.
Topaz is the owner of Escape Velocity Academy, a for-profit coaching business that works specifically with minority male military veterans between the ages of 35 and 50 who suffer from a loss of community and the fear and uncertainty resulting from their military separation.
At Escape Velocity Academy the message is that growth is a direction, not a destination, and the path to authentic happiness is all about trajectory. Once you establish an upward trajectory, all it takes is patience. The Escape Velocity required to maintain that trajectory is fueled with-in.
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